So many Americans don’t know what dementia is and yet one person per minute is diagosed with dementia and the numbers are expected to triple in the next ten years. Dr. John den Boer is on the mission to change the trajectory of brain health through this awareness documentary “THIS IS DEMENTIA”.
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This is Dementia: Disrupting the Decline seeks to dispel the myths surrounding dementia. It invites you to take a journey to explore the misconceptions, stereotypes, and various perspectives surrounding this devastating disorder. This journey is an interactive one that requires you to engage. It asks you to bring, and challenge, your own perspectives and understandings of what dementia is.
a JOHN DEN BOER production in association with JSDPF in loving memory of JEAN SEELING (1917 2012)
music by CAROLE PELLAT and ARTLIST motion graphics by ELORA MASTISON executive producer DR. JOHN DEN BOER assistant director JOAN SEELING
The contents of this, such as text, graphics, images, and others materials created by John den Boer, Ph,D. or his business affiliates or his licensors, and other materials contiained on this website (collectively, “Content”) are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified medical healthcare provider with any questions you may regarding a medical condition. John W. den Boer, Ph.D., is not a current licensed professional. By entering into this website, you are not entering into any client-doctor relationship nor business arrangement.
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